Herb Garden, a Work in Progress...
The herb garden at Warri is a work in progress. At the moment, most of the herbs are perennial and going through a shutting down phase preparing for winter.
We are trialling a few herbs for making my own tinctures, like Elderflower, Elderberries, Lemon Balm, Grindelia, Betony, Comfrey, Elecampane, Marshmallow, Calendula, Sage, Astragalus, Skullcap, Baical Skullcap, Valerian, Greater Celandine, Lavender, Feverfew, Motherwort, Meadowsweet, Gotu Kola, Peppermint, Spearmint and a few different types of echinacea. These are all perennial herbs. Herbs like chamomile are annuals, and the seed needs sowing every year. All of these have been successful and will be used to make our organic tinctures, some will be fresh plant tinctures for medicine. Fresh plant tinctures have more prana or energy in them, and I prefer using raw plant rather than tinctures from the dried herb. I will be making some beautiful healing creams and ointments from herbs grown in our garden, then hopefully be teaching others how to use herbs in their life, for health and healing. With each step of processing the herb loses some of its potency, so it's best to acquire plants as fresh as possible. I've been happy to grow them in an ornamental garden, but we will be making more room in the central fenced enclosure in the next season to be able to harvest more plant matter. Now it's a matter of mulching the beds for the cold winter slumber, but already there are new signs of life in the garden, some herbs have already self-sown, and the cycle of life naturally continues…